Metabolic Flexibility conference

I took part as an on-demand speaker at this conference focusing on the metabolic flexibility of cancer.


Mark Lintern

9/23/20232 min read

Metabolic Flexibility conference - Mark Lintern speaker
Metabolic Flexibility conference - Mark Lintern speaker

It was an honour to take part in the Metabolic Flexibility conference as one of the 'On-demand speakers' at the event, where I was interviewed about the concepts of the Cell Suppression Theory. I also had the opportunity to do a book signing on the day, and speak to some amazing people. There were some high-profile speakers, scientists and doctors present who I had the priviledge to discuss the finer points of cancer theory with. Dr Nasha Winters is always a delight to meet and talk to and provided a flawless presentation, as usual. All the speakers had something profound to offer.

A particular highlight of mine was having the opportunity to discuss cancer theory with Dr Tomas Duraj (picture top right), who is an expert research scientist and clinician working with Professor Thomas Seyfried, both proponents of the Metabolic Theory of cancer. At one point we were standing just outside the main conference room deep in conversation; so engaged, and loud, were we, that one of the organisers had to come out of the auditorium to tell us to quieten down as we could be heard beyond the doors. Ooops, sorry everyone, it won't happen again...

I was particular chuffed and humbled by the mention and praise I received on stage as part of Patricia Peat's talk and presentation, who had some very complimentary things to say about me and my research - please see the video at the top right of this page. Thank you Patricia and to Romina and Lucia from the Nutrition Collective for your hospitality.

It was great to meet so many like-minded people looking to push the envelope on cancer. Bring on the next conference.

Robin Daly Yes to Life with Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference
Robin Daly Yes to Life with Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference
Tomas Duraj with Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference
Tomas Duraj with Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference
The Cell Suppression Theory stand - Metabolic Flexibility conference
The Cell Suppression Theory stand - Metabolic Flexibility conference
Patricia Peat and Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference
Patricia Peat and Mark Lintern - Metabolic Flexibility conference

Mark Lintern mention by Patricia Peat

Mark with Robin Daly of Yes to Life

Mark in conversation with Dr Tomas Duraj

Mark with Patricia Peat

Mark's book signing stand

Me and my theory received a mention: